100% Independent US/UK compliant Financial and Investment Planning. Not tied to any one company, we are uniquely placed to assist our clients in navigating through the maze of investment options available to find the most appropriate and cost efficient solutions.




  • UK Pension Maximisation and Organisation

  • US Based Portfolio Management

  • ISAs for US Citizens

  • Inheritance tax planning and mitigation

  • US/UK Compliant investment advice

  • Tax saving initiatives for US and UK

  • US based pension management

  • Organisation of assets on divorce

As Independent Financial Experts from the US, with 25 years of experience
in the UK, we are perfectly placed to provide Independent Tax Planning and
Financial Guidance to our clients with US/UK issues.


USA/UK Financial Concierge Ltd.


33/8 Newton Street
London WC2B 5EG,  United Kingdom
Office: 44+(0)207 813 1523
Mobile: 44+(0)7905 828 052